Monday, March 7, 2011

Never Give Up

People who never give up, even when they believe they're in the worst situation possible. I've given up on so many things I wish I had continued -- losing weight, growing out my hair, getting a tan, a project... schoolwork... commitments I've failed, the list goes on. People who just refuse to let anything get in their way inspire me in a million different ways.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Students that can actually keep up their studies and don't put it off until the last second, or wind up not doing it at all. I am a horrible procrastinator and don't like school much at ALL. But we all have to do it, and I'm inspired by those who just get it done. They might be dorky, but I'd like to just sit down and do a few chemistry problems before I started wandering off to the TV, or computer...

We need more of these types of students to help those who think they can't or don't have to do homework! 


Ballerina's inspire me because behind the graceful moves and svelt figures, they have to work their butts off! Constantly wrapping their feet and mending toes from dancing so long, it's really a miracle they keep at it.
I've also never met an unsightly ballerina; they've all been gorgeous.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Hair Hair Everywhere

I'm just going to dump a few pictures that really make me scream for long hair. Maybe if I see them often it will convince me not to cut mine...? Perhaps!
Ahh... I'm drooling! They're all so gorgeous and the hair... well, I hope to have long gorgeous locks by the time I'm 21. That's all I can say!

Steve Kardynal: Youtube?!

You might not recognize this dude without a purple wig on, but his name is Steve Kardynal and he is VERY inspiring. He has made me laugh a lot through his youtube account, and I believe he's worth mentioning. There are a lot of youtube stars out there but this is by far my favorite human on that kooky site. He's fit, he's funny, he's adorable, and does whatever he wants. I hope he has a long career on youtube and doesn't disappear!

Nature Inspires Me

nature. it inspires me because of how it continues to grow and a lot of the harmony between ecosystems is never ending, until some dope comes along and says 'hey, we can use that. lets take it.' i mean if you are the stronger species go for it, but sometimes i think we still aren't smart enough to live in this world without management...

anyways! i love flowers, they come in so many different shapes and colors and sizes - much like us. there are even some pretty weird flowers and carnivorous flowers. my favorites are lilies, lilac, and roses.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Megan Fox oozes sex appeal in my opinion. I've seen most of her photoshoots and a majority of her movies; some might not think she can act but I love watching her so much I never noticed. She always seems perfect and confident and strong, but beautiful and sexy at the same time.
Zooey Deschanel is also gorgeous but in a slightly less banging way than Megan, she's totally indie and I think that's great. However, I love the way she always looks natural like it's a little too easy for her to be so darn awesome.
Isla Fisher. Ah, she is the definition of comic elegance in my book! She's so funny and charming while being elegant even in her oddest moments on screen. I love that, and I also have this thing for red hair... well, shes a mommy now but I hope she continues to make movies. She's got an infection smiles that really does inspire me.

All of these women are a part of what I aspire to be one day; they all also have super long hair while mine is super short. Hmm. I'm going to have to stop cutting it off! I do aspire to have 24 inch long locks, but we'll see... that would take 4 long years of not cutting, and that's if my hair is nice and wants to grow.

These girls are also gorgeous and have their own style and strong personality. I adore them.

Mark Twain

He inspires me through literature and a quirky sense of the wiser. He was a humorist and had a great sense of satire. He has an extensive bibliography though is most known for his works on the "Great American Novel". He went bankrupt even though he got great revenue from his masterpieces. He truly was a piece of work; a work of art.